What is Ring Tender?

            Not to be confused with Percent Effective, Ring Tender is an indicator that tells us whether or not your Front End is moving Customers through the check lanes quickly and efficiently. The ELMS system calculates the time it should have taken a cashier to process an order based on the order size and method of payment, then divides that number by the actual time it took the cashier to process the order. A store that consistently achieves a 95% or better every week will have fewer instances of lines backing up throughout the day.  Floor supervision, managing queue lines, extended hours on all available express lanes, increased self-checkout utilization, and proper training on productivity for all new cashiers and courtesy clerks are keys to achieving success on your Front End every day.

How Much Time Am I Given For Each Task?

Every possible task is given a value (a measure of time in seconds). Here are the most common task and their value in seconds:


Description Value (in Seconds)
Item Scanned-Standard         1.523
Manufacturer Coupons Scanned-Standard         2.041
Item Scanned Express Lane-Standard         2.900
Item Lookup-Standard         3.464
Item Weight from Scale-Standard         3.531
Cancel Key (Item Void)-Standard         4.766
Change From Till-Standard         7.402
Age Verification-Standard         7.988
Manual Card Entry-Standard        17.708
Cash Tendered-Standard        20.635
Gift Certificates-Standard        26.339
Debit Cards-Standard        26.515
Credit Cards-Standard        31.877
EBT Cash-Standard        51.077
EBT Food Stamps-Standard        51.077
Manager Override-Standard        60.571
WIC Vouchers-Standard        61.078
Personal Check-Standard        63.200

So How is My Score Calculated?

Every task you perform within an order is added together. Then all your orders for the day are totaled together. Then the total time (Standard) it should have taken you to process the days orders is divided by the time it took you to process the days orders to determine your ELMS score.


This example is for those who don’t meet the goal of 95% or underperform.

Time it should have taken you to perform the tasks you performed in the order: 2 minutes 30 seconds or 150 seconds. 

Time it took you to process the same exact order:  3 minutes or 180 seconds.


Time it should have taken you /Time that it took you:


               150/180 = 83.3% Score


This example is for those who meet the goal of 95% or exceed it.

Time it should have taken you to perform the tasks you performed in the order: 2 minutes 30 seconds or 150 seconds. 

Time it took you to process the same exact order:  2 minutes or 120 seconds.


Time it should have taken you /Time that it took you:


               150/120 = 125% Score


The difference in these two examples is only 60 seconds and a difference of 41.7% in the scores. A few seconds from each order you process, added together throughout the day, adds up and can make a HUGE difference in your weekly ELMS Score. 

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